Shelagh Keegan

Pilates for Life

Regular weekly matwork classes are held around East Neuk, at St Andrews, Crail and Anstruther. Last year, Shelagh also opened a studio in St Andrews, where classes for Pilates, Yoga and Tai-chi are taught by her and other very experienced teachers. Please go to for times and further details.

Classes are inclusive of all ages and gender, the only requirement being an ability to get up and down from the floor. (I can teach specifically adapted seated classes for individuals or groups on request.)

You will be asked to complete a medical questionnaire and if you have specific health problems you will need to obtain written permission from your doctor before commencing classes.

To save time you can download the questionnaire and print it out, and fill it in before attending. Also, due to Covid-19, please download and read the risk-assessment document before attending.


Prices of classes vary depending on the venue. They are from £6 – £8. The first trial class is free of charge. Thereafter classes can be paid for in advance for blocks of 4-6 weeks. If a client misses a class during a block, they will still be charged. However if illness or other reasons necessitates a longer absence concessions will be made.